Failure Is A Stepping Stone To Success

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Have you ever hoped, dreamed, and envisioned accomplishing something so bad but you keep failing time and time again? I have. Too many times that I can count. But one thing is for certain, despite the countless failed attempts, I am reminded that I am smart and capable of trying again. My failure doesn’t make me unaccomplished but it allows me to grow in areas that I may not acknowledge as a challenge and struggle. One of these attempts has been to pass my LCSW exam (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) so I can be licensed independently without supervision to provide therapeutic treatment to teens and adults. Over the course of my career I tried to take the exam twice in Illinois and once in Arizona and yet I still am unable to pass. It has caused me to feel defeated and the rush of disappointment rushes through my mind, body, and heart failure. I’ve learned that it doesn’t make me a “bad” social worker, but it allows me to be resilient in times of failure.

I was told by my amazing husband the morning of my exam, this quote from Thomas Edison “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”. It gave me a sense of hope that no matter the outcome of the exam it didn’t mean that I am not an intelligent and already successful social worker but a woman that will not give up despite the failed exam at the end of the computer screen.

Yes, I had my feelings of sadness, anger, and frustration running through my body but still, I felt a sense of calmness and peace that in the past I never felt before. I know a part of that is because of my faithfulness to God and the purpose and calling he has on my life, that one day I will be licensed. Things don’t always pan out the way we want them to happen or envision them is supposed to be. I have learned that it is all God’s timing and the way God wants you to serve his kingdom.

Lesson for today, don’t look at your failures as a way to give up and not get up again to try, use them as a motivation to drive you in the direction that God calls you to set forth. I am in constant prayer and will open my heart to the Lord to guide my steps and purpose related to my license but I am certain that his calling is bigger than I can ever imagine. God was clear that I will be licensed and I will stand behind that truth. 


My prayer for you: Thank you Lord for your astonishing passion and drive you to instill in each and everyone one of us to serve you. Remind us that no matter the failures, you are with us through them all, comforting us, and encouraging us not to give up. Help us, Lord, to hear your voice, feel your presence and obey your steps into what our hearts desire to serve your kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen-Amen. 

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