I Trust in you, Jesus!

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I Trust in you, Jesus! These Five words make a profound and impactful statement to stand on the truth over our lives but yet, we often find ourselves challenged by allowing trust to be a part of us and in our relationships. Why? Well there are many reasons that this happens and often times it is because of past hurts from others and past trauma that causes us to distrust people that we thought had the best interest at heart for us. These experiences begin to cause us to distrust our one and only Father that will never forsake us, leave us, or harm us, and yet we still pull away because of Fear of getting hurt again. We protect our hearts so much that it is so hard to let go of past hurts of others and we continue to find ourselves in troubling situations and unhealthy relationships or no lasting positive friendships because of this one tiny word TRUST that allows us to build up walls within us to not develop a lasting friendship and relationship over time. I can tell you, that I struggle with this, a little less than years ago fighting through this battle of distrust with anyone and everyone that I would encounter and would allow into my life. In some way, I always felt and expected that they would disappoint me and hurt me. As I allowed my life to be taken over by God and sat in silence to hear his voice on this matter, I can hear him gently say “Daughter, surrender this to me and I will make it right”. And yet with these words I still fight him on it on occasions because I want to be in control, wouldn’t you? Don’t you feel that when things are out of whack in circumstances that we honestly know we can’t change but still try to find ways to change it? I know I do, way too many times to keep track of. God has shown me time and time again that he will never leave me, that he loves me for who I am, he cares for me, and that he will comfort and strengthen me in all situations. All I really need to do is Surrender and allow him to work in my life the way he needs to. Don’t allow your negative experiences to dictate your relationship with Jesus because you will miss out on everything he has planned for you and is waiting for you to come to him. A few things that have helped me along the way into building trust with Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, and the people around me, seem simple to do but honestly take time to overcome so be patient with yourself and with God. There are layers that need to unpack and that always will take time you just need to be still, listen, feel and obey on the next steps of where God is leading you to forgive, surrender and begin to trust. God has the best-listening ears than any other person on this planet, he will guard all your secrets, pain, and joys and will always remind you that he will make things new again.

Here are some positive tips for beginning your journey to Trust in Jesus!

  1. Take time out of your morning before the day gets started and sit with God, talk to him, and have an intimate conversation with him. It might feel a bit weird but if you have ever talked to yourself, which let us be honest we all have, it is the same concept but we are calling on the name of our Lord in this intimate time. It doesn’t have to start with big eloquent words, God is going to meet you where you are now. I’ve started my time with God by saying Good Morning and thank you for getting me up this early to spend some time together so that I can hear your voice and you can guide my steps for the day.
  2. Repent is a form of allowing yourself to be truthful with God and sharing that you are not a perfect person, you have made mistakes, and you have held onto grudges and judgements against others but want to align your heart with his again. You can start by saying this: “Lord, you know that I am not perfect, I have made many mistakes against you and others, some I know, others I don’t remember but today Lord I ask that you cleanse my soul, spirit, mind, and heart to be realigned with yours so I can be better today. Help me grow in areas that you see me as weak in. I thank you for forgiving my sins and allowing me opportunities to change. In Jesus’ Name Amen-Amen”. Be specific in your own sins and allow them to be in the open with God, he will not judge you, he wants you to bring it to him so he can help you and renew you.
  3. Keeping a journal is one of my essentials to always have near me. It allows you to dig deeper with God about your inner thoughts that you may not feel comfortable saying out loud to him yet. It also allows you to see how God grows you as his daughter, see the prayers he has provided and even understand why he hasn’t answered all of them. I start my journal as a form of a letter to him. “Dear Lord” and I begin to write. There are so many creative ways to journal, have fun with it because he wants to see you have joy in it.
  4. During my quiet time, there are times when I will listen to gentle and soft music in the background to set the time from the real world to a sacred time with the Lord. My favorite go-to music is (Dappy T Piano) you can find it anywhere. I also sometimes enjoy Christian Worship music with words and/or Worshipping in Tongues. Allow Holy Spirit to lead you that day, and you will know what to do next or it might just be complete silence and it is just your voice and God together making a wonderful sound to feel his presence and peace.
  5. With all things it takes time. Please don’t give up the first few days, weeks, or months that you may not sense, feel or hear from him, sometimes in the silence it is God’s way of wanting to hear more of you than of him right now. This is where trust will become challenging but wait on the Lord with all your heart, he is there.
  6. Find a friend, mentor, prayer warrior, and a small group to connect with at your local church. This is a beautiful way to learn from others, allows others to learn from you, fellowship together, pray together and encourage one another when we are feeling exhausted and unable to push through.

If you are in the surrounding areas of Goodyear and Buckeye, Arizona, I invite you to come to Palm Valley Church for Sunday services. I have added the Palm Valley website so you can explore, reach out and see where God is leading you in your spiritual walk of Trust. The best way to heal is to walk with others alongside you. https://palmvalley.org/

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