New Beginnings

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When we think of new beginnings, we believe and hope that things will be different in our circumstances. We want to have a healthier mental health mindset, and emotional and physical well-being, be goal-oriented and accomplish tasks at hand for the present and future. We want change to happen now but when it doesn’t change, when all has failed, and when we keep falling and falling, we end up giving up. We lose sight of ourselves through our confidence, strength, and energy and we begin to create unhealthy habits that end up not being what is best for us. I have been there time and time again till this day I struggle but each day I try to do better. I can’t do that without my support system which includes my husband, children, family and friends in my circle, and most importantly God.

Take some time and write down some of the unhealthy habits that you have established and need to overcome and change in small steps.

Here are a few of mine that I still struggle with and hope that each new day is a new beginning for me to change and do better:

  1. Sleeping too much during the day
  2. Overeating or not eating at all
  3. Energy to get up and exercise, even if it is just a walk.
  4. Hydrating, drinking lots and lots of water. Recently my hydration is either nothing, coffee or coke.
  5. Procrastination! I have tons of goals in mind or I have started them but never finish them.

Just like you, I am working in progress but God reminds me to live for today, trust for tomorrow and put all of my hope in him. So that I may allow myself to change at least one of those unhealthy habits to improve each day because in the troubles it will be renewed for his goodness. It is difficult to do, and easy for us to tell one another to try and get it done but if we just allow the small baby step forward, with practice and time, it will change and be better.

In Romans 15:13 it states “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”.

There is always an end to our day but there will always be a new beginning to try again and do things differently. Be encouraged that even though you failed a test or a friend talked behind your back, or the relationships that you have built are no longer present, just know that with every new beginning, there is a lesson to be learned, you may not see it yet but you will eventually when the next small or big thing comes your way will give you your AHAHA moment. Expect greatness! Expect a new beginning to come from the sadness, anger, frustration, failures and brokenness that will allow you to have an overflow of joy, peace, and purpose for your day.

There is a plan for you today, it might not look the way you envision it but God knows your heart’s desires. He knows you a lot more than you know yourself so let him in. Lean on him to direct your steps and let him allow you to get to know yourself in a way that he sees you.

Take time to reflect and journal. Journaling is such a positive therapeutic way to put down things on paper and look back and see your growth over time.

Ask yourself what can I do differently today so you can change one unhealthy habit for the week or the month. As I shared above a few of those struggles, I know that I am going to take a step forward by hydrating and eating better each day, cutting back on the junk that I know causes me to feel sluggish and exhausted. I believe and trust in God with all these things because he loves me, he wants me to reach my full potential within him but he also knows that I have to take a step forward in changing my ways through understanding that new beginnings are a form of motivation to do better and to just try.


Lord, we thank you that you created each day to be renewed. Help us to allow you to come into our hearts, minds, and spirits so we can take steps to change our unhealthy ways and appreciate that our new beginnings will be the stepping stone of what you have planned in our lives to accomplish. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen-Amen!

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