Saying Goodbye: A letter to our Foster Children

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Dear Foster Daughter and Son,

Saying Goodbye is never easy, nor is it our preference to let you go, but there is always a time that as Foster Parents we need to do this as we achieve a wonderful and positive goal to return you to your families. As Foster Parents, we learn the impacts of trauma, emotional regulation skills, family coaching, and other supportive services to make the transition and adjustment back home healthier and positive for you and your family. Our love for you will never leave your side, we will always have a spiritual bond between us when it is time to say goodbye.

I say this because God is good and loves you and me unconditionally but he is the one that directs and guides our steps and helps us achieve greatness in your story. You are loved and missed as each day passes when you are not here. We had great adventures, meltdowns, cries, and laughter but in each of these moments, we have grown and learned from you just as you have learned from us. We built a special, loving, and trusting bond that no one can ever separate from your heart, mind, and spirit. You are highly favored, blessed, and deeply loved by God and he has a special purpose for your life and with time you will learn to see that.

You must be confused, sad, and even angry with us as Foster Parents and all I can respond to that is “I love you and I am sorry!”. We understand your pain. As we are here grieving the loss of your presence in our home every day until we have the opportunity to foster another child in our home. It is okay to feel all these things all at once but I encourage you to sit with God and give him all of your worries, burdens, and feelings so that he can comfort you just the way we would at home. God is with you where ever you go and we continue to pray for you and your family’s healing from trauma, and separation and allow the Lord to restore your relationship and bond again when you are reunited.

Remember a goodbye doesn’t necessarily mean forever, as foster parents we always hope and pray that we can continue to have a relationship with you and your family even when you are no longer in our care. But sometimes that is not always the case, sometimes we do have to let go and accept that we may not see you again but I know my heart will always be with yours. God reminds me daily that you are comforted and loved by him and he will never separate himself from you.

I pray that this letter helps you to continue your healing process and restoration of healthy and positive ways to interact with your family. You will never be forgotten and will always be loved by us.

                                                                                                     Love Always,

                                                                                                 Your Foster Parents


Lord Thank you for allowing us as foster parents to always welcome our Foster Daughters and Sons with open arms of love, comfort, and joy. Lord, we pray that each of our foster children knows how much they are loved by you and that you will never leave their side. I ask that you continue to guide their steps with healing and restoration so they may experience the goodness of your grace, joy, and peace with their families. I ask that you place a hedge of protection over their minds, hearts, and spirits to be filled constantly with your presence, teach them your ways, and allow what is in their hearts to be filled with a purpose to serve your kingdom. We pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen-Amen!

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